# take the first n objects from a list
take = (n, [x, ...xs]:list) -->
  | n <= 0     => []
  | empty list => []
  | otherwise  => [x] ++ take n - 1, xs

take 2, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# Curried functions
take-three = take 3
take-three [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

# Function composition
last-three = reverse >> take-three >> reverse
last-three [1 to 8]

# List comprehensions and piping
const t1 =
  * id: 1
    name: 'george'
  * id: 2
    name: 'mike'
  * id: 3
    name: 'donald'

const t2 =
  * id: 2
    age: 21
  * id: 1
    age: 20
  * id: 3
    age: 26
[{id:id1, name, age}
  for {id:id1, name} in t1
  for {id:id2, age} in t2
  where id1 is id2]
  |> sort-by \id
  |> JSON.stringify

~function add x, y
  @result = x + y

class A
  (num) ->
    @x = num
  property: 1
  method: (y) ->
    @x + @property + y

a = new A 3
a.x        #=> 3
a.property #=> 1
a.method 6 #=> 10

f = !-> 2
g = (x) !-> x + 2

result = switch 'test'
case 'blatant'
case 'at'
case 'relevance'